Net Zero Home Design Principles

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One of the new buzzwords in the home building industry is Net Zero. Many of us like the idea of Net Zero but are not exactly sure where or how to start.

Net Zero Home design starts at the beginning of the design phase for the home. For a Net Zero home design, you must begin designing the house by looking for the ways that your home can become more energy efficient and not rely on any outside power except solar panels or other types of energy systems.

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Net Zero Home Design Principles Explained

Like anything else in the home industry, Net Zero or having a Net Zero home starts with understanding precisely what Net Zero for a home or building means. Net Zero for a home or building means that your home generates as much energy as you need.

A Net Zero home is becoming more critical because buildings worldwide contribute 40% of greenhouse admissions. More than 40% of US energy usage in the United States is for consumer energy.

For a Net Zero home, you do not rely upon the utility company to give you the energy to run your home efficiently.

A Net Zero Home is not just about you putting a few solar panels on the top of your roof and lowering your electricity bill; a NetZero home is much more than that; it is basically about not having to rely upon a utility company at all for any of your utility needs.

To have a true net zero home means starting the design phase to look at how your home can become a net zero home.

Net Zero And Solar Panels

One of the first ways to ensure you get a Net Zero home is by using solar panels for your energy needs. But solar panels are just not a matter of sticking in a few on your roof and hoping that you will be able to become Net Zero.

Depending on how much electricity you use, you may need several solar panels for that electricity.

Solar panels are usually placed on your roof facing south. This is because they typically get the most sunlight when they face south, allowing them to generate more electricity.

When designing a Net Zero home, you may want to consider the design of a lengthier and larger roof facing south than north. This will ensure you can get the ultimate sunlight for your solar panels.

Net Zero Home Structure

To have a Net Zero home means that you have a home that is a high-performance home. This means that all of the controls within your home, from lighting to power sources and appliances, are energy efficient.

That is why a genuinely efficient Net Zero home starts from the beginning of the design phase. For a net zero home, you want a structured home to keep the energy inside and not have it going or leaking outside the home.

In other words, your walls, roof, installation, and windows must be critical parts of your high-performance Net Zero home. Even things like a door can cause a draft, so the cold air comes in during the winter. For a Net Zero home, you want to ensure you do not have any unwanted drafts that could cause you to lose any electricity going into your home.

Net Zero Home Design Uses The Right Materials

A Net Zero home design will use suitable materials in their home construction. In other words, they will use the materials they know can help them reach their net zero goal.

This means that from the beginning, a Net Zero home will be designed to handle lower energy loads and be more efficient with everything that is put into the home, from the lighting to any appliances.

A true Net Zero home means you will look at all aspects of your home design to ensure that the materials or anything else you use can be net zero compliant.

Net Zero HVAC Systems

One of the major components for the Net Zero home will be your HVAC or heating and cooling systems. This is where you can drain or contain the energy you make with your solar panels.

Today, many companies are actively working to build home efficiency-driven heating and cooling systems. They understand the importance of Net Zero, so they are building strategies you can put into a new home that will be highly energy efficient.

If you want to build a Net Zero home, these are the main areas you should look for when starting your design process. Questions about which way your home should face, where the home can get the most solar sunlight, and what materials, heating and cooling system, and other things should be put into the house to ensure you can reach your Net Zero goal.

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Anita Hummel
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