My Cabin - Manufacturing Sustainable Modular Homes In America

My Cabin – Manufacturing Sustainable Modular Homes In America

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I’ve always admired My Cabin, the Latvian modular home manufacturer, so it was thrilling to learn that they’ll be expanding their production to the United States, and even more so that it’s happening close to home in Waukegan, Illinois.

Prefab Pads LLC, a local company in Waukegan, has secured a deal with My Cabin to manufacture these homes on American soil, utilizing US materials and ensuring they meet all US building codes.’Prefab Pads LLC, a local company in Waukegan, has secured a deal with My Cabin to manufacture these homes on American soil, utilizing US materials and ensuring they meet all US building codes.

Table of Contents

My Cabin: Pioneering Sustainable Modular Homes In America

The dream of owning a cozy, sustainable home has been a long-held aspiration for many Americans. The admiration for European-style cabins has been particularly pronounced, with their blend of design efficiency, environmental friendliness, and compact living.

My Cabin, a company rooted in Latvia, has been at the forefront of this movement, charming customers across Europe with their impeccably designed tiny homes and cabins. This admiration has transcended continents, with My Cabin establishing a manufacturing presence in the heart of America—Waukegan, Illinois, just north of Chicago.

Outside Design of My Cabin
Outside Design of My Cabin

Manufacturing At The Heart Of America

The leap from Europe to America is significant for My Cabin but is a testament to their designs’ universal appeal and commitment to sustainability. By starting production in the United States,

My Cabin has become a beacon of local manufacturing, allowing Americans to own a piece of this European charm without international shipping. This reduces transportation’s carbon footprint and supports Waukegan, Illinois’s local economy.

In partnership with Prefab Pads, My Cabin’s designs are now being brought to life in a sprawling 29,000-square-foot facility. Here, efficiency meets artisanship, and the best American materials come together to create modular homes that aren’t just buildings but embodiments of sustainable living.

Why Prefab Pads Chose My Cabin

Several factors influenced the decision for Pre Fab Pads to partner with My Cabin:


My Cabin is not just a brand; it’s a statement in design, often featured in many design magazines for its innovative approach to small-scale living.

Design Excellence:

The My Cabins’ design has been perfected to maximize space and ensure that each unit has a minimal environmental impact.

Market Demand:

There was a clear interest from American customers in demand for My Cabin’s unique blend of sustainability and design.

Compatibility With US Standards:

The challenge of adapting Latvian designs to meet US building codes was one that Pre Fab Pads was ready to tackle head-on, ensuring that all materials sourced met stringent US standards.

Facility of Prefab Pads for making the My Cabin
Facility of Prefab Pads for making the My Cabin

The Journey From Latvia To Illinois

The transition of My Cabin from a Latvian-based production to an American one was not without its challenges. Adapting the designs to meet US building codes, sourcing materials locally, and ensuring the highest quality standards was a complex process.

But by August and September of 2022, the manufacturing wheels were in motion, with the first units being shipped across the country—from the mountainous terrains of Utah to the coastal breezes of Maine.

Scaling Responsibly

My Cabin and Pre Fab Pads are committed to responsibly scaling its production. This means increasing the number of units produced and ensuring that each Cabin remains a testament to quality and sustainability.

With various units being sent nationwide, from sauna units to full-size cabins, the company ensures that every product adheres to local building codes and client specifications.

Customization And Efficiency

Customization is at the core of My Cabin’s philosophy. Each unit is tailored to meet the local building codes of the client’s location, ensuring seamless integration upon delivery. The goal is to produce a unit within 2 to 3 months—a timeframe that allows simultaneous preparation of the foundation on-site to match the Cabin’s specifications.

One of the key advantages of this manufacturing process is the controlled environment. The cabins are constructed indoors, away from the unpredictability of weather—be it the cold, snow, or extreme heat.

This ensures the quality and longevity of the homes and has become a significant draw for the workforce, many of whom prefer the comfort of an indoor setting.

My Cabin In Jefferson, NY, United States
My Cabin In Jefferson, NY, United States

The Foundation Of My Cabin

A My Cabin home is not just placed on a foundation—it becomes part of it. These homes are sold for various uses, from auxiliary office spaces on property grounds to short-term rentals.

The versatility of My Cabin’s offerings means they can cater to a diverse market, providing solutions for those seeking a permanent residence or a temporary retreat.

My Cabin and Pre Fab Pads go beyond just manufacturing. They assist customers in navigating the often complex maze of permits and regulations, ensuring that the transition from the manufacturing floor to the home foundation is as smooth as possible.

Introducing My Cabin’s manufacturing in Waukegan, Illinois, is more than just the expansion of a brand; it’s a new chapter in sustainable living. The partnership between My Cabin and Pre Fab Pads is a testament to the power of collaborative innovation and how some designs can appeal to a broad audience.

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Anita Hummel
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