Is A Realtor Allowed To Enter Your Home Uninvited? 

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When you hire a realtor to sell your home, you will often give them a key to allow them to enter the property and show it to others when you are not home.

A realtor cannot access your home without your permission or uninvited. When working with a realtor, you need to give them reasonable access to your property to either help you sell or rent out the property. Their access does not give them the right to disturb what is considered The Covenant of Reasonable Enjoyment.

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A Realtor Cannot Enter Your Property Uninvited.

A realtor is not allowed to enter your property uninvited. This violates the trust you have placed in them.

A realtor does have the right to enter the property to show the property. But they must set up the time with the tenant or property owner.

The real estate agent or broker cannot abuse the right of access to your property. You, as the tenant, have the right under a law known as the Covenant of Quiet Enjoyment.

The Covenant Of Quiet Enjoyment

In real estate, property law has the covenant of quiet enjoyment. This law implies that the tenant shall be able to live quietly on the property they have purchased or leased. The covenant ensures that the landlord is found to refrain from action interrupting the tenant’s beneficial enjoyment.

If you are now renting a property or the owner of a property and have decided to move out, the realtor needs to understand your covenants of quiet enjoyment.

A few things to remember with this include:

If you find the realtor is coming all day and night and not informing you, they have broken your trust and your right to quiet enjoyment of the property. One of the best ways to ensure this does not happen is to let your realtor know when they can come.

Clearly Advise Your Realtor When They Can Enter

When working with a realtor to sell or rent a property, one of the best things you can do is to be clear with the realtor about when they can or cannot enter the property. 

If the property is empty, you may give them more access hours as no one is living there. But if you are still living on the property, you may want to be very clear about when they can or can not schedule visits to your property.

If your realtor is abusing these or taking advantage of the situation, you may want to inform their broker and get a new realtor assigned.

Here are the best practice guidelines for a realtor:

Steps To Take If Realtor Is Abusing Rights

If you find that your realtor is abusing your rights, then there are steps that you can take. In this process, we would start with the first step and ensure it is not just a misunderstanding.

If you are an owner and have signed a Buyer’s Broker Agreement with the realtor and Broker, it may not be easy to change and assign a new broker. That is why before you sign this kind of agreement, you must ensure you are working with the right agent and brokerage firm.

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Anita Hummel
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