When you hear a property is “freehold,” it is important to understand what it means when it is considered freehold. Freehold property means the land or property is legally free from hold by any party other than the owner. The owner is the rightful owner of the property and can use or dispose of it.…
If you have a utility easement on your property, this can make a difference in precisely what you can do on your property. Each utility easement is not the same. A utility easement gives the utility company full access to your property for the “good of the community.” The Utility company does not need to…
The term severance is another real estate term that can sometimes be confusing. It can be confusing because severance in real estate can include joint tenancy and real property severance. Severance is about taking or severing real property so that it now becomes personal property. It also has to deal with the severing or termination…